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How can I add a new user in eWholesale
How Can I Change Tax Rates in Accountware
How Can I Change Tax Rates in eWholesale
I am having trouble posting Receipt of Goods
I get fatal error message #116 and cannot login into eWholesale

How can I add a new user in eWholesale   See document
This document can help you add a new user into eWholesale, and grant the corresponding access rights in each of your companies.
To benefit most from this document, perform the steps in order.

  1. Make sure you have all the necessary information at hand.

  2. You will need the new user's full name, the name that will be used as the login name, their assigned password, and a list of the task the new user will be performing in eWholesale.

  3. Make sure you login into eWholesale as the System User, or the Administrator.

  4. You must login with sufficient rights to create new users and assign user rights. Usually this is achieved by login as the System user that comes in with your eWholesale package.

  5. Drill-Down to the User/Group Maintenance program to create the new user.

  6. 3a. With your mouse, click the Utilities option from eWholesale's Menu Bar, or press the ALT and U keys on your keyboard.
    3b. Drill-down to the System Maintenance option from the Utilities menu, or press the 'Y' key on your keyboard.
    3c. Continue to drill-down the System Maintenance menu and open the System Configuration and Control option, or press the 'A' key on your keyboard.
    3d. Drill-down to the User/Group Maintenance option from the System Configuration and Control menu, or press the 'A' key on your keyboard, to open the program.

  7. Enter the new user's Login name within the Login Name field

  8. The Login Name field accepts 8 alphanumeric characters.

  9. Use the Tab key or the mouse to move to the Password field.

  10. Enter the password you are assigning to the new user. The Password field accepts only 8 alphanumeric characters.

  11. Use the Tab key or the mouse to move to the Full Name field.

  12. Enter the user's full name. The Full Name field accepts 30 alphanumeric characters.

  13. Specify if the new user will be an Administrator.

  14. If the new user will be an Administrator, then select Yes within the User Administrator field. If you are creating a new regular user, select No.

  15. Select the groups the new user belongs to.

  16. According to the tasks the new user will perform within eWholesale, he/she may belong to more than one User Group. These user groups are commonly created at implementation time, and through these groups that you will grant or deny access to users to the various areas of your system.
To create a User Group, or to grant individual access rights to users, please call eWholesale Support


How Can I Change Tax Rates in Accountware   See document
To change tax rates in Accountware follow these steps:

  1. Login into Accountware
  2. From the Main Menu, select the System Maintenance option.
  3. Select Tax Configuration from the System Maintenance menu.
  4. Open the Province Maintenance option from the Tax Configuration menu.
  5. Type or press F9 to select the code of the province whose tax rates you wish to change.
  6. Move the cursor to highlight the Modify command or press the M key on your keyboard
  7. Type 3 as the field number to change or press enter until you highlight the first GST rate field
  8. Change the rates from 7% to 6% and 15% to 14%
  9. Press F10 to save the changes.
  10. Repeat steps 6 to 9 until you have covered all Canadian Provinces and territories.
How to Handle Transactions During the Transitional Period
When changing tax rates you could experience a transitional period between the date that the new tax rate is set to come into effect, and the processing of orders and invoices that occurred prior to that date and still requiring the old rate. The following steps outline how we propose you to treat such transactions:

For Purchase Orders, Receipt of Goods and Supplier Transaction entries:

  1. Record the transaction in the regular way until you reach the details screen.
  2. Change the Tax Code appearing on each detail line to the non-taxable code.
  3. Add a Special Charge line to Receipt of Goods Transactions, or an extra line to your Supplier Transaction entry, affecting the GST Paid (ITC) General Ledger account or PST paid General Ledger account.
  4. Record the amount of tax you are being charged.
For Sales Orders and Invoice transactions:
  1. Change the Customer Tax Code located in the Header screen to the Non-Taxable code.
  2. Record all the invoice details as usual.
  3. Add a new line after all products and comments are recorded.
  4. Click on the Line Type button, and select the Special Charge option
  5. Select the GST Collected account, or the PST Collected account
  6. Record the tax amount you need to charge under the Unit Price column, and save the transaction


How Can I Change Tax Rates in eWholesale   See document
To change tax rates in eWholesale, follow these steps:

  1. Open eWholesale
  2. Select the Utilities option from the Menu Bar.
  3. Select System Maintenance from the Utilities drill-down menu.
  4. Select Tax Configuration from the System Maintenance drill-down menu.
  5. Open the Province Maintenance option from the Tax Configuration drill-down menu.
  6. Type or zoom to select the code of the province whose tax rates you wish to change.
  7. Click the Modify button or press the ALT and the M keys
  8. Move the cursor to the GST rates, and change 7% for 6% and 15% for 14%
  9. Save the changes.
  10. Repeat steps 6 to 9 until you have covered all Canadian Provinces and territories
How to Handle Transactions During the Transitional Period
When changing tax rates you could experience a transitional period between the date that the new tax rate is set to come into effect, and the processing of orders and invoices that occurred prior to that date and still requiring the old rate. The following steps outline how we propose you to treat such transactions:

For Purchase Orders, Receipt of Goods and Supplier Transaction entries:

  1. Record the transaction in the regular way until you reach the details screen.
  2. Change the Tax Code appearing on each detail line to the non-taxable code.
  3. Add a Special Charge line to Receipt of Goods Transactions, or an extra line to your Supplier Transaction entry, affecting the GST Paid (ITC) General Ledger account or PST paid General Ledger account.
  4. Record the amount of tax you are being charged.
For Sales Orders and Invoice transactions:
  1. Change the Customer Tax Code located in the Header screen to the Non-Taxable code.
  2. Record all the invoice details as usual.
  3. Add a new line after all products and comments are recorded.
  4. Click on the Line Type button, and select the Special Charge option
  5. Select the GST Collected account, or the PST Collected account
  6. Record the tax amount you need to charge under the Unit Price column, and save the transaction

I am having trouble posting Receipt of Goods   See document
This document can help you resolve some of the most common causes of interruptions during the posting of Receipt of Goods transactions.
To benefit most from this document, perform the steps in order, and keep track of what you did, and of any error message you encountered. eWholesale Support can use this information to better assist you if you need to call.

  1. Take note of any error messages and the transaction reference at which the program stops.

  2. The Receipt of Goods Update program may display a message indicating the cause of the interruption. At the same time, the program will display the last transaction being processed before the interruption occurred.

  3. Change the Purchase Orders / R.O.G Control Maintenance Flags.

  4. Open the Purchase Order / R.O.G Utilities menu, and drill down to the Control Maintenance option. Open the Control Maintenance option, and click on the Modify button to change any flags that appear as Yes. Save the changes.

  5. Review the last transaction being processed before the posting was interrupted.

  6. Open the Receipt of Goods Entry program and type the reference number of the last transaction displayed on screen before the posting process was interrupted.
    • Check that the receiving and invoice dates are valid dates.
    • Click inside the Ship Via field, and zoom to check the details of the transportation company selected. The General Ledger account numbers assigned to the transportation company may have changed in the Chart of Accounts, and never revised in the Ship Via Maintenance.
    • Click inside the Supplier Id field, and zoom to the supplier's details. Check the province/state code assigned to the supplier, and zoom to that province's details. Again, the General Ledger accounts assigned to that province may have changed in the Chart of Accounts, and never revised in the Province Maintenance records.
    • Click on the Details Tab and check the transaction's details. Check the products listed in the transaction. Take note of the units of measure assigned to the product. Is that unit of measure recorded in the Product File Maintenance's Basic Units, Cost Units, or in the Alternate Units of Measure section? If it is not, this is the cause of the interruption. Continue to check the product's G/L Settings in the Product File Maintenance. Make sure that all the General Ledger accounts assigned to the product are valid. The accounts may have changed in the Chart of Accounts, and never revised in the Product File, or Group Maintenance records.

I get fatal error message #116 and cannot login into eWholesale   See document
This document can help you resolve some of the most common causes of interruptions due to the fatal error #116.
The error is triggered by the Database engine - Pervasive. According to Pervasive's Support, the cause of this error is an incorrect network configuration, or your Pervasive gateway is not set consistently throughout the network.

The solution for this issue is highly technical, and should be looked after by certified networking specialists.

Some of the strategies implemented to solve a status 116 are listed here:

  1. If WGE is installed on multi-homed server, verify that TCPIP is communicating properly or remove extraneous NIC card
  2. If WGE is installed on a Terminal Server, remove and install Pervasive.SQL 2000i for NT Server
  3. Verify that TCPIP is communicating from and to all machines involved using SmartScout
  4. Verify that all WGE's are set with Local=ON and Requester=ON if using floating gateways
  5. If running Wingate, verify with SmartScout that the IP address is the same as the one in your server and verify that Multihomed is turned on
  6. Verify that the Network drivers have been updated (IE: Win95)
  7. If DOS application, then verify that there is NOT a DOS substitute command
  8. Verify that the Gateway is set
  9. Verify that SmartScout runs and passes from every machine involved to each other
  10. Verify that there are no mixed components
  11. Verify that "Accept Remote Requests" is on
  12. Verify that remapped drives are not being used
  13. Cleanup and reinstall